Sunday, November 27, 2011


Jealousy is a common emotion amongst humans and it does not mean that it’s always a bad thing; it only becomes bad when it gets out of control. In relationships, it’s normal that people may get a little paranoid about where their partner is going or what happens when they’re not with their partner. Sometimes though, people become irrationally jealous and exaggerate their emotions making a big deal out of something that is truly insignificant.

I’m not going to tell you who to date, but from personal experience, some people become obsessed and extremely possessive in a relationship and you should avoid such people. For example, they will give you such a hard time when you just want to go out and spend time with your friends, a completely innocent time when nothing will happen, but they will lash out at you and cause a fight which is really unnecessary.

Jealous people are insecure and if you’re thinking about sticking around a jealous partner then you need a hell of a lot of patience, and believe me it will get really hard at times but you just have to help them through it. Think about it, are they so jealous because they love you immensely or are they so jealous because they are obsessed with you?

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